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The future of lighting:
challenges, innovation and best opportunities.

Workshop, 6th February 2018 | Belgrade, Serbia

The future of lighting: challenges, innovation and best opportunities. Workshop, Belgrade, Serbia
24 January 2018 Niteko

The future of lighting:
challenges, innovation and best opportunities.

Workshop, 6th February 2018. Belgrade, Serbia

Niteko illuminazione is glad to invite you to attend the Workshop on “The future of lighting: challenges, innovation and best opportunities”, where the company’s latest LED lighting technologies and solutions will be presented. The key focus of the seminar is on outdoor and sport application and special emphasis will be given to practical examples, case studies and client’s gained benefits. The event will take place on 6th February 2018 at “Palace of Italy” in Belgrade, Serbia; therefore, do not hesitate to contact us to get an official invitation. Your attendance will be greatly appreciated and your presence will do us great honour.


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