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Italian City awarded for choosing the circular lighting of Niteko’s new brand

Italian City awarded for choosing the circular lighting of Niteko’s new brand
27 January 2023 Niteko

Keyword: Innovation

26 January 2023. The city of Vieste (Apulia) was given the SMAU Award for Innovation for having chosen an innovative and circular lighting for its town, such as the one guaranteed by our new Lorelux brand.

The outstanding result in terms of both lighting fixtures’ sustainability and energy saving of the installation – result of the collaboration between the municipality of Vieste and our innovative Niteko company through the installation of Lorelux luminaires – made it possible for this Apulian city on Adriatic Sea to win the SMAU 2023 Award.

“The solution meets all the needs in terms of efficiency, sustainability, resistance and aesthetics. The installation is fully compliant with all standards about lighting: we moved from a dispersed light system – also directed above the horizon line and thus not compliant –  to a system where light is directed downwards and so where it is actually needed.”

Read the full interview to the Counselor for public works of the city of Vieste, Maria Pecorelli.


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