EU accession of Balkan countries is set for 2020 and the states are already starting to think about how to convert their cities into smart and modern places. Italy and its industrial structure could play a key role in the process of modernization of the countries beyond the Adriatic, for both the geographical proximity and the specific know-how.
Belgrade, which already had a public lighting system in 1892, has recently hosted a workshop about the future of lighting that was attended by local administrators and technicians from the most important cities in Serbia. During the event, which has been organized by Niteko in collaboration with ITA, the presentation of several case studies aimed to show the audience the several possibilities offered by LED lighting and remote control systems. The purpose was to underline that the choice to invest in top quality products can be decisive for the medium- and long-run savings, also in economic terms. Indeed, the road that Serbia is taking will enable the entire country to take big steps towards a more sustainable future, both from an economic and energetic point of view. Niteko could be a crucial partner for this development, since it offers the necessary technical expertise for a smart evolution of the cities, while it keeps maintaining business and industrial relations with Eastern Europe countries.
The workshop was attended by institutional representatives of the city of Belgrade and the Serbian Government, Lorenzo Ferrara – President of Rete TRE.E, Giuseppe Vendramin – CTO of Niteko, Olga Kapitonova – Niteko Area Manager CEE and Sladjana Sredojevic – Representative of the Association of Serbian Banks.
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