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Sports lighting. Soleto, Lecce

Products: Nettuno M floodlights


Lighting of a multidisciplinary sports ground (mini-football, basketball, volleyball)


Sports lighting


Soleto, Lecce


Nettuno M floodlights

Sports lighting. Soleto, Lecce

Sports ground is synonymous with union and lightheartedness, since it connects teenagers and adults of all ages. This is way constant maintenance and good lighting are fundamental for its proper fruition. Whether it be in the evening hours of the hot summer days or in the biting sunsets of the colder seasons, proper lighting can create sensational settings for lighthearted matches.

Niteko solution

Niteko designed the first lighting project for the multidisciplinary sports ground of Soleto town, in the province of Lecce, by providing 250W eight  Nettuno M LED floodlights.

Compared with eight traditional 400W metal iodide floodlights (typical consumption: 435 W), the power saving guaranteed by LED technology stands at 43% i.e., 15kWh every ten hours of lighting.

The Nettuno floodlights by Niteko, ideal for the lighting of large indoor and outdoor areas– particularly for sports arenas – guaranteed very high performances in terms of color sharpness, with CRI>70 and 5,000K color temperature.




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