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Lighting retrofit: Castellana Grotte (BA)

Products: Urban Kit


Lighting retrofit on historic 1930s lanterns


Urban lighting


Castellana Grotte (BA), Italy


Urban Kit

Lighting retrofit: Castellana Grotte (BA)

In the heart of Castellana Grotte, a symbol of historical Apulia and known for its famous caves, the municipality chose the path of sustainability and respect for tradition. Its 1930s lanterns, true jewels of urban archaeology, have been brought back to new life thanks to the expertise and technology of Niteko, a leader in urban lighting.

The aim of both the project and the public administration was to preserve the original lanterns, the city’s identity symbol, and to integrate them with modern LED technology in order to reduce consumption and minimise environmental impact. A gesture of great cultural value that allowed the city’s historical memory to be preserved, and a sustainable choice as it avoided invasive and expensive interventions, respecting the original lighting system.


Niteko Solution

Castellana Grotte’s nearly 100-year-old lanterns were retrofitted with Niteko’s efficient and environmentally sustainable Urban Kits, designed to perfectly fit any historic lantern. The LED retrofit systems are designed to be easily upgradable and replaceable. This avoids the waste associated with total system replacement and extends the luminaires’ service life. This is essential to minimise environmental impact.

Furthermore, to ensure continuity in form with the original lanterns, the original screen was replaced with a transparent polycarbonate diffuser, which maintains the original aesthetics of the lanterns, creating a perfect balance between tradition and innovation.

Castellana Grotte becomes a concrete example of how sustainability and enhancement of cultural heritage can transform urban spaces. Niteko’s intervention has brought a precious heritage back to light, demonstrating that the future can coexist with the past.

Advantages of LED relamping

• Lower environmental impact thanks to the reuse of traditional luminaires
• High energy savings
• Reduction of maintenance costs
• Greater visual comfort and higher safety levels

If you have any questions about our products or if you need assistance or information, please contact us by message, e-mail, or call us.



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