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Lighting of the historic center of Vilnius, Lithuania

Products: Venere T luminaires


Modernization of the historic centre of Vilnius

Urban Lighting


Vilnius, Lithuania

Venere T luminaires

Lighting of the historic centre of Vilnius, Lithuania

Vilnius is a city filled with different architectural styles. It gives visitors a unique and unforgettable experience starting from its historic centre, declared a National Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

Niteko illuminated the urban centre of the Lithuanian capital with 638 Venere T luminaires with bulkheads and 25W-100W power.

The project respected the strict requirements set by European standards and ensured both visual comfort and absence of light pollution.

Niteko solution

Thanks to the customized optics, the light beam was projected directly over the area to be illuminated, thus avoiding light dispersions.

The mechanical construction of the luminaires followed strict mechanical requirements:

  • Two distinct compartments (electrical and LED compartment)
  • No tools opening
  • No need to remove the luminaire from the wire in case of opening and maintenance
  • Nema socket

Niteko Venere T luminaires respected all these requirements. Venere luminaires are ideal for illuminating historic centres and residential contexts. They are equipped with ENEC certification and photometries certified in external laboratory.

Luminaires were wire installed between the houses and with a high spacing between them, following the very stringent lighting requirements, with bulkheads to eliminate the excessive light that could bother the nearby houses.

Along the ten roads illuminated now by the modern and elegant Venere T luminaires, the lighting experience will never be the same again.

If you have any questions about our products or if you need assistance or information, please contact us by message, e-mail, or call us.



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