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Large areas LED lighting:
Car Park Stadio delle Vittorie, Bari

Product: Urano

Large areas LED lighting: Car Park Stadio delle Vittorie, Bari | Product: Urano

The Stadio della Vittoria (also Arena della Vittoria) is a historic sports facility in the city of Bari, located in the Marconi district (Fiera del Levante area), which started an energy requalification project in 2015.
Niteko has taken part in the lighting design of the car park with 49 LED Urano floodlights that offer greater energy efficiency compared to the pre-installed lamps with a traditional technology. In particular, it is possible to adjust the luminous flux of the lamp through a voltage variation that happens thanks to the use of PLV module, which interfaces with the central controller already present in the previous lighting system. The controller allows the variation of the supply voltage of each single phase (at a predetermined or programmed time), resulting in a change of the luminous flux emitted by the lamp and equal to a maximum reduction of 90%.

ClientCittà di Bari


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