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We are so sure of what we do that we guarantee our products for a lifetime

We are so sure of what we do that we guarantee our products for a lifetime
15 June 2017 Niteko

We have chosen to design high power LED lighting fixtures by focusing on reliability and quality.

The multi-year experience gained in the industry coupled with accurate lighting engineering design allows us to offer efficient solutions, ensuring full compliance with standards, visual comfort and better gliding control.
Niteko’s quality is the result of perfect management of the different stages of product development: from design to production, to sale and after-sales service of every single piece.

This commitment, together with continuous investment in innovation, allows us to guarantee the total reliability of our lighting fixtures for a lifetime.

“Il LED è una sorgente luminosa estremamente robusta se utilizzata in maniera corretta e adeguatamente protetta. In particolare risente molto degli stress di natura elettrica e dell’azione di alcuni inquinanti chimici (VOC), molto frequenti nell’illuminazione da esterni come quella stradale…



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