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Town of Villaurbana (OR).

Prodotto installato: Guida S

  • laura.berlinguer@gmail.com www.frame25studio.com

  • laura.berlinguer@gmail.com www.frame25studio.com

  • laura.berlinguer@gmail.com www.frame25studio.com

  • laura.berlinguer@gmail.com www.frame25studio.com

  • laura.berlinguer@gmail.com www.frame25studio.com

  • laura.berlinguer@gmail.com www.frame25studio.com

  • laura.berlinguer@gmail.com www.frame25studio.com

  • laura.berlinguer@gmail.com www.frame25studio.com

Town of Villaurbana (OR). Installed product: Guida S

The town of Villaurbana continues its path of energy requalification, already started in 2015 when it was decided to use 304 GUIDA S street lighting fixtures in order to reduce light pollution and energy costs.

Until now, thanks to the replacements performed in 2017, the Municipality has saved around 15 thousand euros per year and, according to forecasts, it will be able to save up to 30 thousand euros in 2018, as stated by the Mayor Paolo Pireddu.

The most interesting data about the relevant lighting project concerns the selected powers: in fact, the supply features street lighting fixtures with power between 34W and 42W, definitely not usual in outdoor lighting. This confirms the fact that Niteko can meet the lighting needs of a Municipality without necessarily using products with high powers.

This – says the Mayor Paolo Pireddu – will allow us to have big energy savings and better street lighting. Our actions are oriented towards guaranteeing a better future for the new generations, both from an environmental and economic point of view“.

Fonte: www.unionesarda.it 21 Dicembre 2017

ClientVillaurbana town


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