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Church of Saint Francesco de Geronimo, Grottaglie (TA).

Installed product: Multiplo

Church of Saint Francesco de Geronimo lighting

The Dome of the Sanctuary of San Francesco de Geronimo in Grottaglie has been the protagonist in a renovation project completed in March 2017. This has involved different interventions on architectural and lighting aspects of the Dome, so that the use of Niteko Multiplo LED floodlights was required. Nowadays, in addition to offering the opportunity to admire the beauty of the Dome even at night with a low environmental impact, Multiplo floodlights highlight the details and architectural forms of the structure, so creating a perfect balance between aesthetics, performance and reduction of energy consumption. Moreover, they fully satisfy the main goal of architectural lighting, that consists in enhancing the connections between architectural elements and landscape, while respecting the environmental identity. Compared to other types of lighting, the architectural one goes beyond the compliance with lighting standards and needs, and requires lighting designers to be creative, intuitive and sensitive.

ClientGrottaglie town
ProjectChurch of Saint Francesco de Geronimo


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