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Street and urban lighting in Grottaglie, Taranto

Products: Guida, Venere, Zenith, Urban Kit, Nettuno


Energy redevelopment through the replacement of traditional lamps with modern LED lighting fixtures


Street and urban lighting


Grottaglie (TA)


3.673 Guida lighting fixtures, 687 Zenith lanterns, 244 Venere luminaires, 48 Urban Kits, 108 Nettuno floodlights

Street and urban lighting in Grottaglie, Taranto

For the new public lighting of Grottaglie, in the province of Taranto, Niteko installed nearly 5.000 modern LED lamps – such as lighting fixtures, floodlights, urban luminaires and retrofit kits – which redeveloped the urban lighting system of the city and guaranteed a uniform, performing and energy-saving new light.

Niteko solution

Through Niteko’s project and expertise, the well-known “city of ceramics” has benefited from an annual energy savings of 78%. The total power consumption of the system went from 1.420 kW to 310 kW, with a new average of 65W per lamp.

This results not only in a substantial reduction in costs incurred by the Municipality, which experienced an energy cost savings of nearly 80%, but also in an improved aesthetics and livability of the city.

Grottaglie now benefits from an efficient and Smart lighting. This new lighting performances guarantee better visual comfort and safety for citizens that live the city at the night time. In fact, remote control devices make it possible to adjust the lighting according to the time slots of greater use of the streets and to contribute to a further reduction in energy consumption.


Lighting fixtures



Annual energy cost savings



Annual energy savings


The city’s image of Grottaglie has completely changed thanks to Niteko’s new lighting fixtures.

The city’s streets are lined with Nettuno floodlights and Guida fixtures with custom optics that guarantee a reduction of light pollution.

In the urban centre the Urban Kits adapt the traditional luminaires to LED technology through accurate light-retrofitting studies.


Finally, Zenith and Venere luminaires illuminate the town preserving its historical and cultural charm by means of a modern and efficient lighting.




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